Bojko Laboratory
Members of the Bojko Laboratory are internationally recognised as leaders in wildlife pathogen detection and exploration!
Dr Jamie Bojko is a Senior Lecturer in Disease Ecology at Teesside University
Dr Jamie Bojko is a member of faculty at Teesside University and works primarily at the National Horizons Centre.
Dr Jamie Bojko is a Scientific Advisor for BDMLR
British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR) are associated with Dr Jamie Bojko via a Scientific Advisor position awarded in 2023.
Dr Jamie Bojko is a member of consultant faculty at the University of Florida
The University of Florida, USA, which includes the Emerging Pathogens Institute and Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences building, are associated with Dr Bojko via a consultant faculty role. Dr Bojko provides teaching and research advice for the university.
Dr Jamie Bojko is an associate editor for the journal: Biological Invasions
The journal 'Biological Invasions' is a Springer journal, edited by Daniel Simberloff and Laura A. Meyerson.
Dr Jamie Bojko is an associate editor for BioInvasions Records
BioInvasions Records is a Reabic journal run by INVASIVESNET.
Dr Jamie Bojko is the content editor for the Journal of Invertebrate Pathology
The Journal of Invertebrate Pathology is an Elsevier journal and the formal journal of the Society for Invertebrate Pathology. Consider following us @JInvertPathol for more information.